Where I write about technology, culture, religion, and other things I pretend to know something about.
25 May 2007
Photoshopped Children's Books
Something Awful's Photoshop Phriday has some hilarious images of fake children's books. Like this bit of H.P. Lovecraft, illustrated by Richard Scarry!
Certainly not for real children, or the easily offended...
I'm a regular, middle-aged guy from the N. Texas suburbs. Center-Left (with some, non-crazy, Libertarian-ish tendencies), INFP, Progressive Christian (Episcopalian tribe).
This is where I write about technology, politics, culture, religion, and other things I pretend to know something about.
The site is called The Knowledge Box not out of an inflated sense of my own mental capacity, but because it is the humorous (and slightly sarcastic) nickname I received from my wife and son for my vast store of semi-useless trivial knowledge.
thats funny. I once saw a "campus Crusade For Cthulhu" bumper sticker on a car. I thought it was the funniest thing I'd seen in weeks.
During one of the last, two elections (with Dubya), I saw a t-shirt with: Cthulhu for President: Why Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils ?
Almost choked myself laughing... :D
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